About Me

A little timeline of what I've been up to the last few years.

Purdue University

B.S. Computer Engineering

Aug 2018 - Dec 2022

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    President of Boiler Baaz

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    Team Leader for Boiler Gold Rush

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    Student Associate for Pappy's

Applied Materials

Software Engineer Intern

June 2021 - November 2021

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    Contributed ot the SW Tools automation and DevOps for the Display Flexible Technologies

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    Plugins and microservices development for Jira and Confluence

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    Compiled data for internal customers for scheduled reports and analyses on eazyBI

CV for Forest Inventory Analysis


Aug 2021 - May 2022

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    Worked with Dr. Guofan Shao and the CVFIA team to create an algorithm to process stereo video footage from cameras equipped with motion sensors to acquire and analyze tree data.

Purdue University

Teaching Assistant

Aug 2020 - May 2021

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    Teaching Assistant to Rick Kennell for the Digital Systems Design course

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    Managed and provided educational support to 40 students in a classroom setting

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    Created and Graded labs and exams for the lab sessions

Image Processing Analysis Lab


Aug 2020 - May 2021

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    Worked with Edward Delp and a team of 5 students to develop a faster lane detection and tracking system to work with autonomous driving vehicles